An art centre dedicated to photography on the Seine

Spéos Photography School, which finances the Niépce House, is committed to the protection of photographic heritage as well as to contemporary creation with a brand new project that will be launched in 2023 in Paris: Quai de la Photo.


An art centre dedicated to photography on the Seine

Located in the 13th arrondissement of Paris, Quai de la Photo enjoys a privileged location on the Port de la Gare, at the foot of the Bibliothèque nationale de France and right next to the Joséphine Baker swimming pool.

This unique place combines photography, navigation and catering.
Its ambitions are to be:

  • a floating art centre dedicated to contemporary photography, with free and open access exhibitions on more than 1,000 m2,
  • an integrated marina offering river excursions on board vintage boats and small electric boats to discover Paris from the Seine,
  • a warm and festive place to come and eat and drink.

Spéos and Niépce at the Quai de la Photo

As a partner of the project, Spéos brings the photographic dimension to the heart of Quai de la Photo.

As luck would have it, this place is located right in front of the Bercy workshops, the place where, in 1816-1817, Nicéphore Niépce and his brother Claude Niépce hoped to join forces with the Marquis de Jouffroy d’Abbans, the famous inventor of the steamboat, to exploit the Pyréolophore.
The Pyréolophore is the first internal combustion engine, which Spéos supported the entry of the Musée des Arts et Métiers in 2018.

Discover Quai de la Photo (in French)

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