Catalog of Niepce heliographies, including a large part of P. Jay and S. Charles‘s to which were added heliographies and prints that we found mentioned and also the images that were found since P. Jay’s opus publication.


Image: Landscape in Saint-Loup-de-Varennes (1827)
Type: Viem from nature
Base: Pure tin
Technique: Positive-negative bitumen heliography, unetched
Dimensions: Plate 16,2 x 20,2 cm
Location: Austin (Texas): Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center. Coll. H. Gernsheim.
Provenance: F. Bauer
Bibliography: RH(30) ; MBP(325) ; JCC(1894) ; CPPE ; GP(162) ; HGa ; HAG(118) ; CBN(88) ; PJa(86) ; PJb ; HGb(50).

Point de vue du Gras, première photographie par Nicéphore Niépce

History of the First Photograph Known to Have Survived:

This “View from the Window” was created by Nicéphore Niépce in July 1827. A few months later, during a trip to England, Niépce gave the photograph as a gift to botanist Franz Bauer. After Bauer’s death, the image was auctioned at Christie’s, where Robert Brown, a curator at the British Museum, acquired it. Upon Brown’s death in 1858, his assistant, J.J. Bennet, inherited the plate. It remained in the Bennett family until 1884, when they decided to auction it. The plate was then purchased by H. Baden-Pritchard, editor of Photographic News, who passed away two weeks after acquiring it.

Baden-Pritchard’s wife kept the plate until her death in 1917. During World War I, their son received a three-day leave to bury his mother. While sorting her belongings, he placed them, including the plate, in a trunk left in a storage depot in London before returning to the army.

In 1950, Helmut Gernsheim tracked down Pritchard’s son, who stated that the family no longer owned the plate, as it had not been returned after being lent for an exhibition. The son died in 1951, but his widow discovered the 1917 storage receipt among his papers. The trunk contained, among other items, Niépce’s famous image. Gernsheim received the photograph as a donation in February 1952.

In 1964, Gernsheim sold his collection to the University of Texas, including “The View from the Window,” which has since been preserved at the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center in Austin, Texas.


Image: Profile of a beturbanned old man, looking to the left
Type: Reproduction of a drawing by contact .
Base: copper plate
Technique: Etching
Dimensions: drawing 13,5 x 10,4 cm plate 15,7 X 12,3 cm
Location: Paris — Coll. J. Niepce
Bibliography: PJc



Image: The Cardinal of Amboise (1826)
Inscribed on the verso “realized by Joseph Nicephore Niépce in 1824” ( instead of 1826 ).
Type: Reproduction of a drawing by contact .
Base: tin plate
Technique: Etching .
Dimensions: Image 16,6 x 13,6 cm. Plate 17,9×14,1 cm.
Location: Musée Niépce. LAC 984 N°6
Origin: Donation by Isidore Niépce (around 1864)
Bibliography: BSFPf(294n°7) ; BSFPi(299) ; GPa(158n°6,107) ; LAC(984n°6); CBN(76B) ; PJa(81) ; PJb(143).


Image: Le Cardinal d’Amboise (1826)
Type: Reproduction of a drawing by contact
Base: tin plate
Technique: etching
Dimensions: Image 16,6 x 13 cm. Plate 19,8 x 13,2 cm
Location: Musée Niépce. LAC 985 N°7
Origin: Donation by Isidore Niépce around 1864 .
Bibliograph: BSFPf(294) ; GPa(158) ; LAC(985n°7) ; CBN(76c) ; PJa(41).


Image: Le Cardinal d’Amboise (1826)
Type: Reproduction of a drawing by contact
Base: tin plate
Technique: etching
Dimensions: image 16,6 x 13,1 cm. plate 18 x 13,9 cm.
Location: Royal Photographic Society (Bath)
Origin: 1924 donation by M . R. W .Robinson to the R.P.S.
Bibliography: RH(30) ; JCC(201) ; CBN(76g) ; PJb(143).

Oeuvre de Nicéphore Niépce


Image: The Holy Family (1826-1827). Inscription on the verso : heliographic etching by Mr Nicephore Niépce given to Mr.Daguerre by the author .
Type: Reproduction of a drawing by contact.
Base: tin plate
Technique: Etching
Dimensions: image 22,5 x 18,5 cm. whole plate 26,7 x 19,9 cm
Location: Société Française de Photographie
Origin: M. Forest donation (1875 ) .
Bibliography: BSFPe(117) ; BSFPj(59) ; GPa(160n°1) ; RL(13) ; CBN(78b) ; PJb(143)


Image: The Holy Family (1826-1827). (three holes on the edges of the engraving : top left and right , lower left )
Type: Reproduction of a drawing by contact.
Base: tin plate
Technique: Etching
Dimensions: image 22,5 x 18,4 cm. plate 26,6 x 19,7 cm
Location: Musée Nicéphore Niépce LAC 986 N°8
Bibliography: BSFPf(292n°12) ; GPa(158n°8) ; LAC(986n°8) ; CBN(78c) ; PJa(35) ; PJb(143)


Image: Landscape from a Claude Le Lorrain engraving.
Type: Reproduction of a drawing by contact
Base: tin plate
Technique: Etching
Dimensions: image 11,9x 17,8 cm. plate 14,2 x 20,8 cm.
Location: Musée Niépce. LA.C. 986 N°9
Bibliography: JC(13n°7) ; BSFPd(294n°16) ; Gpa(158n°9) ; RL(13) ; LAC(986n°9) ; CBN(73b) ; PJa(35) ; PJb(143)


Image: A man standing up, with tousled hair. The Gambler engraving by Charlet (1828)
Type: Reproduction of a drawing by contact
Bas: tin plate
Technique: Etching
Dimensions: image 15,2 x 10,6 cm. plate 20,5 x 13,8 cm
Location: Société Française de Photo-graphie.
Origin: Donation by Eugene Niépce (may 2nd1890)
Bibliography: BSFPg(148) ; BSFPj(59) ; GPa(160n°2) ; CBN(81a).

Un homme debout, les cheveux ébouriffés. “Le joueur” gravure de Charlet (1828).


Image: Ruins of an abbey. Inscriptions by Niépce on the frame : Heliograph from a print by Niépce in 182. On the back of the frame : .Heliographie.First results obtained spontaneously by the action of light by Monsieur Niépse(sic) in Chalon-sur-Saone. A label autographed by Francis Bauer Kew Green : “from a print about 2 and a half feet long F.Bauer Kew Green”
Type: Reproduction of a drawing by contact
Base: Tin plate
Technique: Etching.
Dimensions: image 10,3 x 13,4 cm. plate 14 x 16,5 cm (roughly)
Location: Royal Photographic Soclety (Bath)
Origin: R.W. Robinson’s donation in 1924.
Bibliography: RH(29n°1) ; PJ(231) ; JCC(201) ; CBN(77)

Oeuvre de Nicéphore Niépce- Ruines d’une abbaye Inscriptions: sur le cadre de Niépce: “Héliograph from a print by Niépce in 1827”. Au dos du cadre: 1. “Héliographie. Les premiers résultats obtenus spontanément par l'action de la lumière Par Monsieur Niépse (sic) de Chalon-sur-Saone” ; 2. Une étiquette avec l'inscription de la main de Francis Bauer: “from a print about 21/2 feet long F. Bauer Kew Green”. Reproduction d'un dessin par contact.


Image: Christ bearing the cross(around 1827 ?)
Type: Reproduction of a drawing by contact.
Base: Tin plate
Technique: Etching
Dimensions: Drawing 11,3 x 8,3 cm. whole plate 19,8 x 13,3 cm.
Location: Royal Photographic Society n° 15 428.
Origin: Donation by Ralph W.Robinson (1924)
Bibliography: RH(30n°3) ; JCC(201) ; CBN(75b) ; NN

Oeuvre de Nicéphore Niépce - Le Christ portant sa croix (vers 1827 ?) - Reproduction d'un dessin par contact.


Image: A monk with a young man ; getting away from a house,a woman holds her hands together,(may 1829 according Isidore Niépce and his wife)
Type: Reproduction of a drawing by contact.
Base: Silver copper.
Technique: ?
Dimensions: Drawing : 6 x 4,5 cm, Plate : 8,1 x 6,7 cm.
Location: Coll. Musée Denon (1950) LAC 979 N°1—> Musée Niépce in 2000.
Origin: M.Grozellier donation,landlord in Lux in 1874.
Bibliography: BSFPf(293n°2) ; GPa(157n°1) ; LAC(979n°1) ; CBN(80) ; PJa(35) ; PJb) ; PM..


Image: A greek couple.
Type: Reproduction of a lithograph (by Armant-Gaillat.)
Base: Silver copper
Technique: ?
Dimensions: Drawing : 9 x 7 cm, Plate : 10 x 15,2 cm
Location: Coll. Musée Denon (1950) LAC 980 N°2—> Musée Niépce in 2000.
Origin: Isidore Niépce‘s donation.
Bibliography: JC(13n°8) ; BSFPf(293n°3) ; GPa(157n°2) ; LAC(980n°2) ; CBN(79) ; PJb(143) ; PM.


Image: Landscape with a human figure (round shape.).
Type: Reproduction of a drawing by contact.
Base: ?
Technique: ?
Dimensions: Drawing : Ø= 12 cm, Plate : 19,2 x 15,2 cm.
Location: Coll. Musée Denon (1950) LAC 982 N°4 > Musée Niépce in 2000
Origin: Isidore Niépce’s donation.
Bibliography: BSFPf(294n°5) ; GPa(158n°4) ; LAC(982) ; PJa(35) ; PM.


Image: Christ bearing the cross (1826). Inscription engraved on the verso of the plate : Heliographic drawing invented by M.J.N.Niépce.1825. donation of M. Isidore Niépce
Type: Reproduction of a drawing by contact.
Base: Tin or zinc.
Technique: ?
Dimensions: Drawing : 12 x 8 cm, Plate : 16,1 x 13,6 cm.
Location: Coll. Musée Denon (1950) LAC 981 N°3 > Musée Niépce in 2000.
Origin: Given by Nicephore Niépce to Champmartin, Isidore’s father-in-law. When he died Isidore inherited it and gave it as a donation to the Denon Museum at the request of the curator around 1864.
Bibliography: EC (79), JC(13n°7) ; VF((246-1) ; BSFPf(293n°4) ; GPa(158n°3) ; LAC(981n°3) ; CBN575a) ; PJa(35) ; PJb(143) ; ) ; PM.


Image: Landscape (1823 according to LAC)
Type: Reproduction of a drawing by contact
Base: ?
Technique: ?
Dimensions: Drawing : 6 x 7 cm, Plate : 8,1 x 8,1 cm.
Location: Coll. Musée Denon (1950) LAC 983 N°5 > Musée Niépce in 2000.
Bibliography: EC (79), BSFPf(294n°6) ; GPa(158n°4) ; LAC(983) ; PJa(35) ) ; PM.


Image: A set table (still life) 1823-1825 according to A. Davanne and Eugene Niépce, Nicephore’s grand-son. 1832 according to J.L.Marignier.
Type: Still life made with a camera obscura
Base: Glass plate
Technique: Physautotype (according to J.L. Marignier )
Dimensions: 7 x 11,7 cm (according to J.L.Marignier )
Location: This plate vanished from French Photographic Society collections in the early 20th century.
Origin: Gift from Eugene Niépce to A.Davanne who donated it to the SFP the 25th november 1891.
Bibliography: BSFPg(146),; BSFPh(423) ; AD ; BSFPj(59) ; GPa(161); PJa(31) ; PJb(23,143) ; BL ; JLM.

La table servie (nature morte) 1823-1825 selon A. Davanne et Eugène Niépce, petit-fils de N. Niépce. 1832 selon J. L. Marignier


Image: The Cardinal of Amboise (1826)
Type: Reproduction of a drawing by contact.
Base: Tin ?
Technique: Etching .
Dimensions: Unknown .
Location: Unknown today.
Origin: F. Lemaitre’s collections. Articles published in three bulletins of the S.F.P. mentioned an engraving representing the Cardinal of Amboise (an etching on tin, Bulletin of 1856 ) This plate is not referenced in any collection.
Bibliography: BSFPb(185) ; BSFPa(41) ; BSFPc(252) ; CSFP(1) ; CBN(75b).


Image: Landscape from an engraving by Claude Le Lorrain ( around 1826).
Type: Reproduction of a drawing by contact
Base: ?
Technique: ?
Dimensions: ?
Location: Unknown today
Origin: Private collection of Joseph Ellis of Brighton in 1862.
Bibliography: RH(30n°5) ; PN(336) ; GPa(162) ; CBN573b)


Image: Christ bearing the cross (no date)
Type: Reproduction of a drawing by contact
Base: ?
Technique: ?
Dimension: Unknown
Location: Unknown today
Origin: Coll. Laguiche.
Bibliography: CRAS(207) ; GPa(162).


Image: Christ bearing the Cross (no date)
Type: Reproduction of a drawing by contact
Base: ?
Technique: ?
Dimensions: Unknown.
Location: Unknown today
Origin: Charles Chevalier > Arago > Académie des Sciences > Archives of the Institute in 1839
Bibliography: AC(20) ; GPa(161)


Image: Maiden spinning with her distaff
Type: Reproduction of a drawing by contact
Base: probably tin.
Technique: Etching.
Dimensions: ?
Location: Unknown.
Origin: Colonel David Niepce,
Bibliography: VF(118); EC (80); GPb(37)

• According “La Lumiere“ a newspaper on march the 28th 1853, E .Chevreul left at the desk of the Sciences Academy on the 23d same month, “two etched tin plates by Nicephore Niépce that had been sent by the famous inventor “from Chalon-sur-Saone on February 2nd 1827″ and printed since by M.Lemaitre….” As a matter of fact Niépce had sent five tin plates to the parisian engraver,and was explaining : “The biggest of the five is a copy of an engraving showing the Virgin,the child Jesus and St.Joseph. The four others, that are smaller are a double copy of a portrait and a landscape.”The portrait was the Cardinal of Amboise.These five plates were sent back by Leemaitre on the 5th of march. How two of these plates ended up in Chevreul’s hands? What did happen to them?


Image: The Cardinal of Amboise
Dimension: 16,8 x 13,5 cm
Location: Coll. Musée Niépce LAC N°989
Origin: Isidore Niépce’s donation.
Bibliography: JC(12n°5) ; BSFPf(294n°9) ; GPa(159n°2); LAC(989) ; CBN(76a) ; PJa(41).


Image: Landscape from Claude Le Lorrain.
Dimensions: 12 x 16,5 cm
Location: Coll. Janine Niepce – Paris
Origin: ?
Bibliography: BSFPj(60) ; CBN(74).


Image: A group of three persons in front of a river spanned by a bridge and a foot-bridge.
Dimensions: 9,5 x 16,5 cm
Location: Coll. Janine Niepce – Paris
Origin: ?
Bibliography: BSFPj(60) ; CBN(74).


Image: Moon light.
Dimensions: 10,3 x 14,4 cm
Location: Coll. Musée du Cinéma – Paris
Origin: ?
References: This engraving is not found in any catalog or listing of varnished paper that had belonged to Niépce.Identified by J.L.Marignier april the 4th 1995
Bibliography: JLM.


Image: The Holy Family
Dimensions: around 27 x 20 cm
Location: Coll. Musée Denon (1950) LAC 989
Origin: Isidore Niépce’s donation
Bibliography: JC(12n°5) ; BSFPf(294n°19) ; GPa(159n°2) ; LAC(989) ; CBN(78a) ; PJb(75)


Image: Head and torso of an old man.
Dimensions: 23 x 16 cm
Location: Coll. Musée Denon (1950) LAC 989
Origin: Isidore Niépce’s donation
Bibliography: JC(12n°5) ; BSFPf(294n°15) ; GPa(159n°2) ; LAC(989) ; CBN(83).


Image: A prisoner, a kneeling man with bound hands.
Dimension: 23 x 17 cm
Location: Coll. Musée Denon (1950) LAC 989
Origin: Isidore Niépce’s donation .
Bibliography: JC(12n°5) ; BSFPf(294n°14) ; GPa(159n°2) ; LAC(989) ; CBN’82).

There are a certain number of paper prints made from Niépce’s plates after his death.They should not be confused with those made upon Niépce’s own request. One might find the list in P.Jay’s book “Niépce Genesis of an invention“ (Niépce Genèse d’une invention).The bibliography of these prints is as follows : BSFPd ;BSFPe(117) ; BSFPf(XX and 294) ; BSFPj(59,60) ; BSFPj(60) ; Gpa(159, 159n°2, 160, 160n°5, 161) ; CBN(76f, 78b ) ; LAC(988n°2) ; catalogue n°S9 from Sotheby Gallery in London-october 1982 )

All the following prints were realized by Lemaitre.


Image: The Cardinal of Amboise
Dimensions: ?
Location: Unknown
Origin: I. Niépce > La Blanchère
Bibliography: BSFPg(148) ; GPa(159n°1) ; CBN(76d)


Image: The Cardinal of Amboise
Dimensions: ?
Location: Coll. Musée de Lyon. aujourd’hui disparue
Bibliography: BSFPg(148) ; GPa(159n°1) ; CBN(76d)


Image: The Cardinal of Amboise from plate LAC 984 n°6.Handwriten note from Isidore Niépce on the verso : “The Cardinal of Amboise, first heliographic result by the late J.N.Niépce1824”, Handwtitten note signed (I.N.) at the recto by the lower margin of the paper print : “To Monsieur Lules Chevrier,best souvenirs, Is.Niépce.”
Dimensions: Image 17,2 x 13,2 cm. Sheet of paper : 19,1 x 14 cm.
Location: Coll. Musée Niépce LAC 987 N°1
Origin: I.Niépce then J.Chevrier.
Bibliography: BSFPf(294n°10) ; GPa(159n°1) ; LAC(987) ; CBN(76d).

* Date confusion from Isidore. In fact it was in 1826. P. Jay noticed that the watermark includes thin rays spaced by 2.5 cm vertically ( 6 cm on the print ; a drawing of a bell appeared between two rays)-bell dimensions : H.4 x 2.5 cm.


Image: The Cardinal of Amboise from plate LAC 984n°6
Dimensions: drawing 16,3x 12,9 cm. pressure edges 17,7 X 13,8 cm.
Location: Coll. S.F.P. 314/3
Origin: I. Niépce > E. Niépce donation of 1890.
Bibliography: BSFPg(148) ; BSFPi(300) ; BSFPj(60) ; GPa(159n°1,160n°3) ; RL(14) ; CBN(76d)


Image: The cardinal of Amboise. Inscription : heliographic result obtained in 1824 by J. Nicephore Niépce.“liberally given to M.Blanquart-Evrard by M. Jules Chevrier from Chalon-sur-Saone owner of the original plate.“
Dimensions: ?
Location: Coll. CNAM
Origin: J. Chevier > Blanquart Evrard
Bibliography: BSFPi(299) ; GPa(161) ; CBN(76d).


Image: The Cardinal of Amboise. At the print verso, a handwritten note by Bauer : “Print from a pewter plate of heliographic drawings,by Mons.Nicephore Niépce of Chalon-sur-Saone received from him at Kew november 22nd 1827. F.Bauer.”
Dimensions: Drawing 19,6 x 13 cm. Paper base 28,7 x 21,2 cm.
Location: Coll. RPS (Bath) 15 489 PF10
Origin: F. Bauer
Bibliography: RH(30n°4) ; JCC(201) ; CBN(76b).


Image: The Cardinal of Amboise
Dimensions: 20,3 x 14 cm
Location: Coll. HRHRC Austin Texas
Origin: Collection h. Gernsheim
Bibliography: MBP(325) ; HAG ; CBN576h)


Image: Landscape from an engraving by Claude Le Lorrain.
Dimensions: drawing 16,5x 11,5cm.
Location: Exhibited at the London Camera Club in 1894, today abode unknown
Origin: ?
Bibliography: RH(30n°5) ; MBP(325) ; JCC(201) ; CBN(73)


Image: Maiden spinning with her distaff.
Dimension: ?
Location: Private coll.
Origin: ?
References: ?
Bibliography: VF (118), JLM.

• We will add to this list, the two following prints :


Image: The Cardinal of Amboise. Printed on the recto with large printing types above the image : NICEPHORE NIEPCE, 1824. Handwritten note on the recto under the drawing by Chevrier : “First heliographic result obtained in 1824 by J.Nicephore Niépce. Print from the original plate belonging to M.Jules Chevrier of Chalon-sur-saone. Donated to the directorate of the National Arts and Trades Museum”, Chalon-sur-Saone march 25th 1881.Signed J. Chevrier.
Dimensions: Plate mark 17,4×13,9 cm
Location: Coll. CNAM en 1989
Origin: Donation J. Chevrier
Bibliography: DAF (4)


Image: The Cardinal of Amboise
Dimensions: ?
Location: Coll. E. Chevreul in 1873
Origin: Donation Niépce de Saint-Victor
Bibliography: EC (79)


Image: A horse and his rider
Dimension: 14,7 X 10 cm
Location: Bibliothèque Nationale de France
Origin: André Jammes
References: ?
Bibliography: LM


Image: The Gambler, engraving by Charlet
Dimensions: Drawing 15,2 x 10,6 cm. Whole base 27 x 21 cm.
Location: Coll. Musée Niépce MNN 78-95
Origin: Donation Andre Jammes (1978)
Bibliography: JPc


Image: Georges Cardinal d’Amboise grand Ministre d’Estat et Legat de France. Briot engraver.
Dimensions: Drawing 16,9 x 13,2 cm. Plate mark 19 x 13,4 cm.
Location: Coll. Musée Niépce MNN 22.01 76 n°161
Origin: Donation Bernard Lefevre (1976)
Bibliography: JPc


Image: Georges Cardinal d’Amboise grand Ministre d’Estat et Legat en France, engraving by Isaac Briot.
Dimensions: ?
Location: Coll. Van Deren Coke. San Francisco.
Origin: ?
Bibliography: BNb (14)


Image: Moonlight by L.J.M.Daguerre.
Dimensions: ?
Location: G. Eastman House – Rochester
Origin: Coll. G. Cromer
References: ?
Bibliography: BN (36), JLM.


Image: Moonlight. Original painting by L.J.M.Daguerre.
Dimensions: ?
Location: Coll. Hans P. Kraus Jr.- New-York
Origin: ?
References: ?
Bibliography: Private communication


Image: Moonlight by L.J.M.Daguerre
Dimensions: ?
Location: Coll. J. Rocquencourt
Origin: ?
Bibliography: JR

  • AC 1862 — A. CHEVALIER, Essay on the life and scientifical works of Ch.Chevalier ,page 20.
  • AD 1893 — A. DAVANNE, Public Lectures on Photography.
  • BL 1984 — B. LEFEBVRE, Abel Niépce de St.Victor and the set table.
  • BN 1967 — B. NEWHALL, Latent Image, Doubleday, New-York
  • BNb 1982 — B. NEWHALL, The History of Photography, New-York
  • BSFP(1850) 1850 — Bulletin Société Française de Photographie, p 41
  • BSFP(1855) 1855 — Bulletin Société Française de Photographie, p. 185.
  • BSFP(1857) 1857 — Bulletin Société Française de Photographie, p 252.
  • BSFP(1865) 1865 — Bulletin Société Française de Photographie n° 11, p. 294 .
  • BSFP(1875) 1875 — Bulletin Société Française de Photographie, p. 117.
  • BSFP(1885) 1885 — M. MEULIEN, Bulletin Société Française de Photographie, n° 11 , p 293
  • BSFP(1890) 1890 — Bulletin Société Française de Photographie, (Mai), p. 148.
  • BSFP(1891) 1891 — Bulletin Société Française de Photographie, p. 423.
  • BSFP(1919) 1919 — Bulletin Société Française de Photographie, (Septembre), p. 300.
  • BSFP(1920) 1920 — Bulletin Société Française de Photographie, (Mars) , p 59.
  • CBN 1967 — French National Library catalog.
  • CBSFP 1857 — Catalogue of the Société Française de Photographie : second annual exhibition of works,cameras and products,historical items p.1
  • CPP 1898 — Crystal Palace Photography Exhibition.
  • CRAS 1839 — Weekly report of the French Sciences Academy ,1st.quarter p.207.
  • DAF 1989 — De Andere Fotografie. Middelburg Zeeuws Museum exhibition catalog.
  • EC 1873 — E. CHEVREUL, La vérité sur l’invention de la photographie . J.des Savants. February
  • GPa 1925 — G. POTONNIEE, Histoire de la Découverte de la Photographie.
  • GPb 1940 — G. POTONNIEE, Cent ans de Photographie.
  • HAG 1952 — A. GERNSHEIM, —The Photographic Journal (Mai), 92.
  • HGa 1952 — H. GERNSHEIM, —The Photographic Journal (Janvier).
  • HGb 1984 — H. GERNSHEIM, in 1833-1983—Un temps pour la Photographie.
  • JC 1861 — J. CHEVRIER, Note à propos de J N. Niépce et du dépôt de ses instruments et de ses premières épreuves dans le musée de Chalon-sur Saône , p. 13
  • JCC 1894 — The Journal of the Camera Club (December), p. 201-202.
  • JLM 1999 — J.L. MARIGNIER. Niépce, l’invention de la photographie. Editions Belin. Paris
  • JR 1998 — J. ROQUENCOURT, Vivre en Val d’Oise N° 48, p. 17 et Etudes Photographiques N°5
  • LAC 1950 — L. ARMAND-CALLIAT, Catalog
  • LM 2002 — Le Monde, 24 janvier 2002, p.33
  • MBP 1884 — M.BADEN- PRITCHARD The Photographic News, (23 mai), p.325-327.
  • NN 1974 — N. NIEPCE, Correspondances 1825-1829.
  • PJ 1862 — The Photographic Journal section A,(July), p 231
  • PJa 1978 — P. Jay, Niépce Premiers outils, premiers résultats,.
  • PJb 1983 — P. JAY, in N. Niépce , Coll. Photo-poche, p.143
  • PJc 1988 — P. JAY, Niépce, Genèse d’une invention.
  • PM 2000 — Paris-Match, October 19th 2000,p.94.
  • PN 1862 — The Photographic News (11 juillet), p. 336
  • RH 1844 — Robert HUNT, Researches on light.
  • RL 1945 — R. LECUYER, Histoire de la Photographie.
  • VF 1867 — V. FOUQUE, La vérité sur l’invention de la photographie.